The Magic of Thinking Big

Author : David J. Schwartz

This book will inspire you to:

Prepare to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and boundless ambition within the pages of "The Magic of Thinking Big." This book will inspire you to break free from the shackles of self-doubt and limited thinking, encouraging you to dream bigger, aim higher, and achieve your most audacious goals. It will awaken the dormant potential within you, teaching you that success is not a matter of circumstances but a product of your beliefs and actions. Get ready to embrace a world of possibilities, as this book empowers you to think big, act boldly, and create a life that surpasses even your wildest dreams.

About the Author

Dr. David J. Schwartz, the visionary author behind "The Magic of Thinking Big," was not just a writer but a renowned motivational speaker and personal development expert. With a Ph.D. in psychology, he possessed a deep understanding of human behavior and the power of positive thinking.

Dr. Schwartz's mission in life was to inspire individuals to overcome their self-imposed limitations and achieve greatness. His work, including this book, reflects his passion for helping people unleash their full potential. Through his writing and speaking engagements, he reached countless individuals, motivating them to dream bigger, set higher goals, and develop the mindset needed for success.

"The Magic of Thinking Big" stands as a testament to Dr. Schwartz's commitment to empowering people to take charge of their lives and transform their thinking. His insights, anecdotes, and practical advice continue to inspire readers worldwide to believe in themselves, cultivate a positive mindset, and pursue their dreams with unwavering determination.

Although Dr. Schwartz passed away in 1987, his legacy endures through his impactful work. His words continue to inspire and motivate people from all walks of life to think bigger, live better, and achieve their highest aspirations.

About the Book

"The Magic of Thinking Big" is not just a book; it's a powerful beacon of inspiration that has guided countless individuals on their journey to personal and professional success. This classic work of literature by the well-known Dr. David J. Schwartz provides a roadmap for changing your thinking in order to change your life.

At its core, this book is about one fundamental idea: the size of your thinking determines the size of your success. Dr. Schwartz takes readers on a transformative exploration of the mind, showing how our beliefs, attitudes, and thought patterns directly impact the outcomes we achieve. He challenges the limiting beliefs and self-doubts that hold us back, replacing them with the confidence and ambition needed to pursue our most audacious goals.

Through engaging stories, real-life examples, and practical advice, "The Magic of Thinking Big" provides a blueprint for personal and professional growth. It covers a wide range of topics, from setting and achieving bigger goals to mastering the art of effective communication, building self-confidence, and embracing a positive attitude.

What sets this book apart is its ability to captivate and motivate readers with its cheerful and empowering tone. Dr. Schwartz's words resonate with a sense of possibility, urging you to break free from the constraints of mediocrity and aim higher in all aspects of your life.

"The Magic of Thinking Big" is not just a self-help book; it's a mindset-shifting guide that empowers you to dream big, take bold action, and create a life that exceeds your expectations. Whether you're seeking success in your career, relationships, or personal growth, this book serves as your trusted companion on the path to realizing your full potential. So, open its pages and prepare to be inspired to think bigger, act bolder, and achieve greatness beyond your wildest dreams.

Who needs to Read the Book

"The Magic of Thinking Big" is a book that holds universal appeal and can benefit a wide range of readers. However, it particularly resonates with the following groups of people:

1. Aspiring Achievers: If you have big dreams and ambitions but feel held back by self-doubt or limited thinking, this book is your guide to break free from those constraints and achieve your goals.

2. Entrepreneurs and Business Professionals: For those seeking success in their careers or entrepreneurial endeavors, the book offers invaluable insights on leadership, goal-setting, and effective communication.

3. Students and Young Adults: Young individuals who want to set a strong foundation for their future can benefit from the mindset-shifting principles presented in this book.

4. Anyone Facing Self-Doubt: If you struggle with self-confidence or often find yourself doubting your abilities, "The Magic of Thinking Big" provides the tools to boost your self-esteem and self-belief.

5. Those Seeking Personal Growth: Readers on a journey of personal development and self-improvement will find the book's positive psychology and success-oriented mindset invaluable.

6. Managers and Leaders: If you're in a leadership position or aspire to be one, the book offers strategies for effective leadership, team building, and motivating others.

7. Individuals Facing Challenges: Whether you're dealing with setbacks, obstacles, or adversity, the book inspires resilience and a proactive approach to overcoming challenges.

8. Anyone Who Wants to Live a Fulfilling Life: If you're looking to lead a more fulfilling, joyful, and successful life, this book provides a roadmap to reach your highest potential.

In essence, "The Magic of Thinking Big" is for anyone who desires to break through self-imposed limitations, think positively, set and achieve ambitious goals, and live a life of purpose and abundance. It is a timeless guide that empowers individuals from all walks of life to dream bigger, achieve more, and embrace a mindset of limitless possibilities. So, if you're ready to unleash your full potential and create the life you've always envisioned, this book is your roadmap to a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Key Concepts from the Book :

Belief in Oneself 

In the bustling journey through David J. Schwartz's "The Magic of Thinking Big," there's a radiant gem of wisdom that shines particularly bright: the theme of "Belief in Oneself." This theme doesn't just whisper; it sings the truth about the monumental power of self-confidence in our lives.

Schwartz boldly asserts, "Believe you can succeed and you will." This simple yet profound statement captures the essence of the book's stance on self-belief. It's not about harboring a vague hope that things might work out; it's about cultivating a robust and unwavering faith in one's capabilities. Schwartz doesn’t just suggest this; he presents it as a fundamental law of personal achievement.

But how does one foster this belief? Schwartz provides actionable insights. He encourages us to dismiss the self-defeating myths that often plague our minds. These myths, like 'I don’t have enough talent,' or 'I’m not smart enough,' are barriers we construct ourselves. Schwartz's wisdom shines through as he dismantles these myths, revealing them as mere shadows that dissipate under the light of self-belief.

One of the book's most compelling points is the connection between self-belief and action. Schwartz eloquently states, "Action cures fear." This is pivotal. He’s not just asking us to feel confident but to act on it. When we move, when we tackle tasks, when we step out of our comfort zones, we're not just doing; we're affirming our belief in ourselves.

Moreover, Schwartz illuminates how self-belief isn't a solo journey. It's about how we see ourselves and how we let others influence that view. He reminds us, "Others see in us what we see in ourselves." This is a call to reflect positivity and capability, not just for ourselves, but to inspire the same in others.

In sum, "Belief in Oneself" in "The Magic of Thinking Big" isn’t just a theme; it’s a call to action, a philosophy for living. It’s about dismantling doubts, embracing potential, and understanding that the foundation of success lies within our perception of ourselves. Schwartz's message is clear: believe in yourself, and the world opens up to you.

As you turn each page, this theme acts like a beacon, guiding you towards not just understanding the importance of self-belief, but living it. This is not just a read; it’s an awakening to the power that resides in every one of us – the power that starts with believing in oneself.

Setting High Goals

"The Magic of Thinking Big" radiates an empowering message, especially through its theme of Setting High Goals. David J. Schwartz doesn’t just advise us to set goals; he urges us to reach for the stars. It's about aiming not just for what we think we can achieve, but for what we dream of achieving.

Schwartz firmly believes that the size of our success is directly proportional to the size of our goals. “Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success,” he writes. This powerful statement encapsulates the essence of setting high goals. It's not just about ambition; it's about expanding the horizons of what we believe is possible.

In every chapter, Schwartz champions the belief that we limit ourselves with our own thinking. He argues that when we set higher goals, we inherently elevate our mindset, work ethic, and determination. By doing so, we not only aim higher but also enhance our capacity to achieve these goals.

A particularly striking aspect of this theme is the emphasis on not letting the environment dictate our goals. “Do not let traditions and customs, the way it's always been done, the beliefs of other people limit your own belief in yourself,” Schwartz advises. This idea is a clarion call to break free from the shackles of conventional thinking and societal norms that often stifle our true potential.

The book illustrates this with inspiring examples of individuals who dared to think big and set lofty goals. These stories serve as a testament to the limitless possibilities that unfold when we dare to dream big.

Overcoming Fear: A Journey to Confidence and Success

In "The Magic of Thinking Big," David J. Schwartz presents 'Overcoming Fear' as a pivotal stepping stone towards achieving greatness. This theme resonates through the book, serving as a clarion call to break free from the shackles of self-doubt and anxiety that often hold us back from realizing our full potential.

Schwartz delves into the psychology of fear, explaining that it's not just an emotion, but a barrier that prevents individuals from taking action. He asserts, "Action cures fear. Indecision, postponement, on the other hand, fertilize fear." This powerful statement encapsulates the essence of the theme – fear loses its grip when we decisively move towards our goals.

The author emphasizes the need to confront fear head-on. He doesn't just leave the reader with the problem but offers practical solutions. For instance, he encourages the reader to dissect their fears, understand their root causes, and then face them with a plan of action. This approach transforms fear from a formidable enemy into a manageable obstacle.

A significant part of this theme revolves around reprogramming one's mindset. Schwartz persuades the reader to shift their focus from fear to success. He states, "Deposit only positive thoughts in your memory bank." This idea isn't just poetic; it's a strategy. By filling our minds with positive, success-oriented thoughts, we naturally begin to edge out the negative fears that once seemed overwhelming.

Moreover, Schwartz highlights the importance of not magnifying problems. He wisely notes, "How big we think, determines the size of our accomplishments." Often, fear is a product of overestimating difficulties and underestimating our own capabilities to overcome them.

Positive Thinking: Unlocking Your Potential with Optimism

Dive into the vibrant theme of Positive Thinking in David J. Schwartz's "The Magic of Thinking Big," a theme that stands as a beacon, illuminating the path to personal and professional triumph. Positive thinking isn't just an abstract concept in this book; it's a practical, powerful tool that Schwartz masterfully presents as the engine driving all success.

Schwartz declares, “Believe you can succeed and you will.” This simple yet profound statement is the cornerstone of the book's approach to Positive Thinking. It's not just about fostering a feel-good mentality; it's about cultivating a mindset that sees possibilities where others see barriers.

The author examines the structure of the optimistic mind and demonstrates how having a positive outlook frees you from the paralyzing fear of failure to approach problems with a solution-focused mindset. Schwartz emphasizes, “The mind is what the mind is fed,” driving home the point that feeding your mind with positive thoughts leads to positive outcomes.

Schwartz doesn't just leave you with concepts; he provides actionable strategies. For instance, he suggests replacing negative thoughts with positive ones and encourages the reader to practice this daily. This act, seemingly simple, is a transformative exercise in reprogramming the mind to focus on growth, potential, and success.

Moreover, Schwartz highlights the contagious nature of positivity. By maintaining a positive attitude, you not only set yourself up for success but also influence those around you. This ripple effect can create an environment of optimism and possibility, both in personal and professional spaces.

Taking Action: The Stepping Stone to Triumph

In the invigorating pages of "The Magic of Thinking Big," David J. Schwartz instills a simple yet profound truth: action is the golden key to success. This theme resonates with vibrant energy throughout the book, underscoring the idea that dreams and goals, no matter how grand, are merely castles in the air without the solid foundation of action.

Schwartz eloquently states, "Ideas are worthless unless we act on them." This powerful statement is the cornerstone of the "Taking Action" theme. He drives home the point that thinking big is not just about ambitious dreams and grandiose visions. It's about the small, consistent steps we take towards turning these dreams into reality. The magic truly happens when thought and action align.

The book is peppered with stimulating anecdotes and real-life examples that illustrate how taking decisive action, irrespective of fear or doubt, paves the way for extraordinary achievements. Schwartz emphasizes that action doesn't always mean monumental steps; even the smallest actions, when taken in the right direction, can lead to great results. It's about overcoming the inertia of procrastination and the paralysis of over-analysis. As Schwartz puts it, "Action cures fear. Indecision, postponement, on the other hand, fertilize fear."

The author challenges the reader to move beyond mere wishful thinking. He encourages embracing a 'do it now' attitude. This theme isn’t just about taking action; it's about taking intelligent, focused action. Schwartz advises, "Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success." The message is clear: the size of your actions reflects the size of your results.

Building Relationships: The Cornerstone of Success

David J. Schwartz's "The Magic of Thinking Big" offers a treasure trove of wisdom, but one of its most radiant gems is the theme of 'Building Relationships'. Schwartz artfully delves into how our interactions with others can significantly propel us toward our goals. In a world brimming with ambitions, it's the bonds we forge that often become our stepping stones to success.

"Success depends on the support of other people," Schwartz writes, instantly grounding us in the reality that our dreams and goals aren't solitary endeavors. This theme is a clarion call to acknowledge the power of collaborative efforts and mutual support. It's not just about networking in the traditional sense; it's about nurturing genuine connections that provide mutual growth and understanding.

Schwartz emphasizes the importance of viewing others not as stepping stones, but as partners in the journey to achievement. He advocates for a mindset that values empathy, understanding, and respect in all interactions. "The ability to get along with and influence people is a skill that can be developed," he notes, reminding us that building strong relationships is a skill akin to learning a new language or mastering a musical instrument.

This theme also underscores the importance of effective communication. Schwartz provides actionable advice on how to communicate more effectively, such as listening with intent, showing genuine interest in others’ perspectives, and expressing ideas clearly and confidently. Through these strategies, he demonstrates how strong relationships are built on the bedrock of mutual respect and understanding.

A Quotable Story from the Book

One of the most quotable stories from "The Magic of Thinking Big" centers around the concept of believing in yourself and your abilities. In this uplifting story, the author shares the tale of a young man named Jack.

Jack was a talented and ambitious individual with dreams of becoming a successful salesman. However, he lacked confidence in his abilities, and his self-doubt held him back. He constantly worried about his lack of experience and believed that he would never achieve his sales goals.

One day, Jack sought guidance from his wise mentor, who asked him a simple yet profound question: "What do you think of yourself?" Jack replied with self-deprecating remarks, expressing his doubts and fears.

The mentor then handed Jack a mirror and asked him to look into it. When Jack saw his reflection, the mentor said, "Jack, the most important opinion you will ever have is the opinion you have of yourself."

This story serves as a powerful reminder that self-belief and self-confidence are the foundation of success. It highlights the idea that our perception of ourselves shapes our reality. By believing in our abilities and maintaining a positive self-image, we can overcome challenges, set higher goals, and achieve greater success.

This quotable story from the book inspires readers to reflect on their own self-belief and self-image. It encourages us to embrace a positive mindset and recognize that our thoughts and beliefs have a profound impact on our achievements and overall quality of life. As Jack learned, believing in yourself is the first step towards unlocking your full potential and achieving your dreams.


"Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success."

"Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it."

"Success does not demand a price. Every step forward pays a dividend."

"The thinking that guides your intelligence is much more important than how much intelligence you may have."

"Excusitis is a failure disease."

"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude."

"People who belittle people, will be little people, and will accomplish very little."

"The greatest 'secret of success' is: Get started. Do something. Begin."

"Remind yourself regularly that you are better than you think you are."

"Your mind is your most precious asset. You must protect it, nurture it, and use it wisely."

Highlights :

  • Belief in Yourself: Dr. Schwartz emphasizes that your belief in your abilities is the cornerstone of success. He encourages readers to banish self-doubt and cultivate unwavering self-confidence.

  • The Power of Positive Thinking: The book underscores the significance of maintaining a positive mental attitude, which can fuel creativity, problem-solving, and resilience.

  • Setting and Achieving Goals: Dr. Schwartz provides a practical framework for setting and achieving big goals, emphasizing the importance of clear objectives and relentless pursuit.

  • Overcoming Fear: Readers are taught to confront and conquer fear, as it often serves as the primary obstacle to realizing one's full potential.

  • Effective Communication: The book offers strategies for improving communication skills, including active listening and confident speaking, to enhance relationships and influence others positively.

  • Managing Time and Energy: Dr. Schwartz provides techniques for managing time and energy efficiently, ensuring that readers can accomplish more in less time.

  • Continuous Learning: The value of continuous learning and personal development is highlighted, encouraging readers to invest in their education and growth.

  • Taking Action: The book stresses the importance of taking action rather than succumbing to procrastination or excuses. Action is the key to progress and success.

  • Building Strong Relationships: Readers are reminded of the importance of nurturing meaningful relationships, both personally and professionally, for long-term success and happiness.

  • Thinking Bigger: Perhaps the most prominent theme, the book encourages readers to think bigger, dream audaciously, and realize that success has no limits.

Tags : Positive Thinking Self-Confidence Goal Setting Personal Development Success Mindset